Welcome to Self Love Sunday! Here I will be sharing inspirational movies, podcasts, TV shows, articles, poems, personal essays, and other random thoughts that have lifted me up. Hopefully they have the same affect on you the next time you’re feeling a little down on yourself.
XO – Alex

“Everyone needs a little magic even if they’re all grown up.”
You know those nights/days when you’re sad and lonely or lacking in the self-love department or overwhelmed at the bleakness of your own life? That was me last night, and you know what?—it’s completely normal and completely okay to feel like this from time to time. But you have to get yourself out of the rut. No one else is going to do it for you. Be the strong person you know you are and pick yourself up! Because you CAN!
I learned this when I decided to turn on Netflix’s Unicorn Store directed by and starring Brie Larson, an absolutely inspirational human being who also stars in the motivational, empowering Captain Marvel movie.
We go on a journey with a woman, a woman who is different from every other adult because she loves rainbows and glitter and unicorns and isn’t afraid of making that known. She pursues her love for art and creativity only to continually get knocked down by men in suits. As it would anyone, it hinders her for a moment. She feels like she’s a disappointment to her parents. She feels like she’s a horrible adult. So, to make everybody around her happy, she trades in her colorful wardrobe for a bleak suit and suppresses her creativity to take up a temporary position at an office job working the copy machine.
She is then given an opportunity by the colorfully dressed and charismatically positive Samuel L. Jackson to finally behold her one dream, to get a Unicorn, but there’s a list of tasks he gives her that she must accomplish beforehand.
We get to see a woman find herself while chasing her dream. While doing these tasks she realizes she’s allowed to love herself for WHO SHE IS. We get to see her realize she is unique and special and to always stay true to herself—only then will she be truly happy, only then will she realize how beautiful life is to live, only then are her dreams accomplishable.
“Don’t let her go searching for people that can’t see who she really is…. You’re gonna love her exactly how she is. Even when she thinks that there is nobody who could love her in the entire world.”
I was crying by the end of the movie, not because of sadness, but because I was inspired. Why should I sit back and conform to society’s wishes for me? Why wear the business pencil skirt when I want to wear a a pink blazer and flashy earrings? Why stay inside when I want to travel the world? Why stay silent when I can speak out? This life is only going to bring me happiness and fulfillment when I can go to bed every night without thinking back and saying, “Well, I wasn’t really myself when the hot guy talked to me,” or, “I only told my boss what he wanted to hear,” or, “I definitely didn’t feel like myself in that grey dress.” I want to get in bed and think, “Maybe that guy won’t like me, but I was 100% myself—and if he doesn’t like that, then he isn’t for me and I’m happy being alone—being alone with this beautiful woman that I am.”
Thanks to Brie Larson and the message she was able to convey in a movie that is suitable for children, teenagers, and adults, I am inspired to be the best and only version of myself—and I know everyone who watches it will be inspired too. Go watch this movie on Netflix and recommend it to everyone! It’s rated PG, so I encouraged all of my little sisters and my mother and my friends to watch it, because I want everybody in the world to realize how special they are and to see their true potential.
Can’t wait to watch it! Thanks for the recommendation
Thank YOU!
I haven’t watched it, but the advice you give is right on!
It’s a great movie. I recommend it to everyone for sure!