Summary by Goodreads:
For Dr. David Beck, the loss was shattering. And every day for the past eight years, he has relived the horror of what happened. The gleaming lake. The pale moonlight. The piercing screams. The night his wife was taken. The last night he saw her alive.
Everyone tells him it’s time to move on, to forget the past once and for all. But for David Beck, there can be no closure. A message has appeared on his computer, a phrase only he and his dead wife know. Suddenly Beck is taunted with the impossible- that somewhere, somehow, Elizabeth is alive.
Beck has been warned to tell no one. And he doesn’t. Instead, he runs from the people he trusts the most, plunging headlong into a search for the shadowy figure whose messages hold out a desperate hope.
But already Beck is being hunted down. He’s headed straight into the heart of a dark and deadly secret- and someone intends to stop him before he gets there.

“Here’s the truth about tragedy: It’s good for the soul.”
My Thoughts:
Tell No One by Harlan Coben is the first thriller I’ve ever read, so I truthfully don’t have much to compare it to. But, with that being said, Tell No One has definitely made its way into my top ten favorite books. I read this suspenseful tale in one day, unable to put it down even to sleep. Coben’s writing style is straightforward to read, he makes the complex tale easy to follow, and the storyline he weaves together so artistically makes you unable to put the book down.
One thing I really loved about this book is the fact that every single character, item, word, even every animal is important to the plot. Often with books writers will throw in fantastical words or a random character or even mention things that have nothing to do with the story for no great reason. But with Harlan Coben even the dog’s brief role is important to the unfolding mystery and the ever-evolving plot. His writing was brilliant in that sense. As I read other books, I often skim through some descriptions or seemingly unimportant dialogue, but not with Tell No One. I read every single word, every sentence because I knew each word Coben wrote was of equal importance to the last.
Here’s something else though, the story wasn’t difficult to read or to follow. I said before that each word written is important, but that doesn’t mean that each word written is difficult. Any age group could read this novel because Coben doesn’t try to make it unnecessarily fancy. It is written very straight forward which also adds to its beauty and unique design. There’s nothing gory simply for a shock factor, there’s no harsh words written in without a purpose, etc. and yet the story appeals to many different people. I’m not a fan of when authors throw in offensive words or detailed sex scenes for a shock factor or to try and hook people into their story. I AM a fan, though, of when an author’s writing and plot are so well-written and well-thought-out that they don’t have to incorporate offensive things just to get a reaction. Coben’s writing still keeps you on the edge of your seat and still gives you the shock factor without incorporating such details.
This book was definitely a thriller/mystery/suspense novel. Most of these kinds of books you can predict the ending or what’s about to happen. But I could not predict this book for the life of me! There were plot twists throughout the entire novel. Even the last page had the biggest plot twist of all. But none of it was unbelievable or too much. It all flowed so gracefully and the shocking twists in the story weren’t forced.
I want to talk about the actual story, but I don’t want to give anything away! Let’s just say, I loved the character Beck. The people Beck got involved with were such interesting personalities as well. The action and adventure side of the novel was exciting. The horrors of the novel were thrilling. I felt like I was watching a kick a$$ action movie, one so exciting that you can’t even look away to grab your popcorn. And the slight love story made it relatable and added that extra layer.
Overall, this novel was brilliantly written, it kept me reading on the edge of my seat, the plot was exciting and full of the twists and tricks readers want, and it kept me thoroughly entertained. #1 New York Times Bestselling author and this book won at least 7 different awards. 100% recommend this book to everybody!
“Her eyes had the look of marbles shattered from within.”
I recommend this book too…
…men, women, teenagers, adults, everyone. I’m getting sick of love stories for the moment, and this one isn’t centered around love. So if you aren’t feeling romance right now, read this book. Do you like action movies? Perfect. Read this. Do you like mystery novels? Read this. Do you like some excitement in your life? Pick this book up. My dad is the one who recommended this to me and he’s a big, bad, tough guy. So, I guarantee if he liked this book, and then me, a little fairytale romance lover liked this book, I KNOW everyone who reads it will like it. Gift it to your dad or you cousin or your best friend. It won’t disappoint.
Comfort Guide:
One “F” word. Several uses of most swear words, but very minimal. Only one briefly sexual scene (simply for nudity) but it doesn’t go into any detail at all. The story revolves around murders and such, but nothing bloody or graphic or gory.
Author – Harlan Coben
Published – 2001
Page Count – 370
Awesome book. Great review
Thanks for reading! And thanks for the recommendation!